The members of the Friday Night North Campus meeting received notice from its host venue that we cannot meet in our normal building due to circumstances beyond our control. Thus, we will be meeting online only starting 4/29 until further notice.
Friday Night North Campus – Virtual Only tonight 4/22/22
Tonight only (4/29/22) Friday Night North Campus (Central Austin) – meeting will be VIRTUAL-ONLY due to the room being unavailable just for tonight. The meeting will go back to hybrid next week.
Spring Retreat Saturday May 14th through Sunday May 15th
The Austin SAA Intergroup’s 2022 Spring Retreat is May 14-15 at Camp Lone Star outside La Grange, Texas.
This event is a great way to connect with your recovery and go deeper. There will be workshops, time for breaks and food will be provided.
Feeling like you can’t afford to attend? Scholarships (full or partial) are available if money is an issue. View a flyer, find out more, and register at the retreat registration website.
Once again we have a a limited number of single rooms available for an additional fee. These are very limited so get yours now!
It really helps the organizers if you sign up soon! See you there!
Status of Meetings this Holiday Season – keep checking back for updates!
Here is a list of meetings that fall around the November/December holidays and their statuses if we know them.
Keep checking back as more information comes to light.
If no information is given, then we assume the meeting is happening. However, that’s not a guarantee.
Please send updates or corrections to
Around Christmas 2021
Saturday Morning Men’s in Georgetown both in person and virtual are CANCELED on Christmas Day.
At this time we have no news about any other meetings one way or the other.
Around New Year’s 2021-2
Saturday Morning Men’s in Georgetown virtual is MEETING on New Year’s Day. IN PERSON is canceled, and will resume Jan 8.
At this time we have no news about any other meetings one way or the other.
Around Thanksgiving 2021
The Keeping It Simple Men’s Open BB study group meeting on Thursday November 25th (Thanksgiving Day) is cancelled.
Meetings Returning to In-Person (list will be updated)
As COVID cases decline and our physical meeting venues open back up, some meetings are returning to in-person, with more to follow. Read more below to understand terms and possible restrictions.
Meetings with Recent Updates:
- Saturday morning at CFR is now Saturday morning at Galano – Hybrid meeting (In-person and Webex) effective 11/13/21
- Sunday Night at Christ’s Workshop (South Austin) – now IN PERSON only effective December 2021.
- Monday Noon Men’s on Burnet (North Central Austin) – meeting IN PERSON effective 6/21/21 – see meeting page for updates on the physical location.
- Monday Noon Westlake – meeting IN PERSON effective 7/12/21
- Virtual Monday Noon – meeting by Webex effective 7/12/21
- Monday Night in Pflugerville (North Suburbs) – meeting IN PERSON ONLY effective 6/14/21.
- Tuesday Noon Westlake – meeting IN PERSON effective 7/13/21
- Virtual Tuesday Noon – meeting by Webex effective 7/13/21
- Tuesday Night Men’s at Cedar Park (North Suburbs) – continues meeting IN PERSON Outdoors.
- Virtual Tuesday Night Men’s – meeting by Webex
- Wednesday Noon on Burnet (North Central Austin) – meeting IN PERSON effective 6/16/21 – see meeting page for updates on the physical location.
- NEW MEETING! Wednesday Night in Georgetown – Meeting IN PERSON effective 6/30/21.
- Thursday Noon at Westlake (Southwest Austin) – Meeting IN PERSON effective 7/15/21.
- Thursday Night in Pflugerville (North Suburbs) – was 2 SEPARATE meetings now back to Webex only due to closure of the county building to outside groups (until further notice).
- Friday Noon Men’s at Westlake (Southwest Austin) – Meeting IN PERSON effective 7/19/21.
- Virtual Friday Men’s Noon – meeting by Webex effective 7/19/21.
- Friday Night North Campus (Central Austin) – HYBRID meeting (In-person and Webex) effective 6/18/21– see meeting page for details of new physical location.
- Saturday Morning Men’s in Georgetown (North Suburbs) – HYBRID meeting (In-person and Webex) – see meeting page for details of new physical location.
Possible Meeting Styles:
- Online Only: currently, most meetings continue virtual-only. Webex or other links are provided on the meeting page (online-only meetings are not listed in this post, since online meetings have been the status quo for over a year).
- In-Person Only: meeting is back to the old physical location. Online meeting goes away.
- Hybrid Meeting: a single meeting that can be attended in person or virtually. A phone or laptop at the meeting allows virtual participants to attend the in-person meeting and vice versa.
- Two Separate Meetings: the “meeting” is holding separate in-person and online meetings. Eventually these will be listed separately but may be found on the same meeting page for the time being.
Possible Meeting Restrictions:
There may be limits stipulated by the venue operators or by group conscience. Every meeting space and every meeting may have different guidelines.
Please study the individual meeting pages for any restrictions.
Restrictions MAY include:
- Limits on maximum participants in the room.
- Limits based on vaccination status.
- Mask requirements (based or not based on vaccination status).
Save the date: Fall Retreat scheduled for October 16-17
We’re planning a visit back to Camp Lone Star this fall. Mark the dates!
Virtual Spring Retreat Sunday May 16!
Hold the date for a virtual spring retreat, currently scheduled for 1 pm to 3 pm on Sunday May 16th. 2021. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details.
April Intergroup postponed until April 10.
Today’s intergroup meeting (April 3, 2021) has been postponed until April 10, due to technical difficulties with Webex.
Tuesday Night Open Women & LGBTQ+ Meeting – new time!
Starting 1/5/21, the Tuesday Night Open Women & LGBTQ+ Meeting at CFR (Central Austin) will meet beginning at 7pm, as opposed to the previous start time of 7:30. Note the meeting is still virtual until further notice.
Status of Meetings this Holiday Season – keep checking back for updates!
Here is a list of meetings that fall around the December holidays and their statuses if we know them.
Keep checking back as more information comes to light.
If no information is given, then we assume the meeting is happening. However, that’s not a guarantee.
Please send updates or corrections to
Around New Year’s
New Year’s Eve, Thursday December 31st
NOT MEETING (CANCELED): Thursday Night North Campus (Central Austin) – meeting by Webex at All Saints Episcopal Church (ASE)
New Year’s Day, Friday January 1
Meeting as usual at Noon: Friday Noon Step Study at Galano (Central Austin) – meeting by Webex at Austin Galano Club (AGC)
Meeting as usual 7PM: Friday Night North Campus (Central Austin) – meeting by Webex formerly at All Saints Episcopal Church (ASE)
Around Christmas
Christmas eve, Thursday December 24th
Meeting as usual at 7PM: Thursday Night North Campus (Central Austin) – meeting by Webex at All Saints Episcopal Church (ASE)
Christmas day, Friday December 25th
Meeting as usual at Noon: Friday Noon Step Study at Galano (Central Austin) – meeting by Webex at Austin Galano Club (AGC)
Meeting as usual 7PM: Friday Night North Campus (Central Austin) – meeting by Webex formerly at All Saints Episcopal Church (ASE)