Register now for the SAA Annual Speakers Dinner on Feb 22

We are excited to announce that our Annual Speakers Dinner is just around the corner! Join us for an evening filled with inspiration, connection, and community as we come together and hear one couple’s journey of recovery

Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: Grace Covenant Church

9431 Jollyville Rd, Austin, TX 78759

Whether you’re an old-timer or newcomer to the fellowship, we can’t wait to see you there

Cost: $20 per person

Secure your spot today by registering here. Seating is limited, so don’t wait!

Holiday Meeting Schedule

I’ve gotten an email asking about holiday meeting schedules. MOST meetings typically meet every week, regardless of holidays.

Some specifics for the next couple of weeks:

  • Tuesday night Eastside meeting (7p, Austin Mennonite Church) WILL be meeting in person on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
  • Tuesday Night Cedar Park meeting at Cedar Park First United Methodist will NOT meet on Christmas Eve, but WILL meet on New Year’s Eve.
  • Tuesday night “We Are Not Alone” Women and LGBTQ+ meeting. Most regular members are planning to meet only virtually on Christmas Eve, but the Galano Club is probably still open. This meeting WILL meet in-person and online as usual on New Year’s Eve
  • Wednesday noon ECR/Justin Lane meeting WILL be meeting both Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Fall Retreat 2024

The Austin SAA Intergroup’s 2024 Fall Retreat is October 19-20 at Camp Lone Star outside La Grange, Texas.

Details here for the Retreat.

This event is a great way to connect with your recovery and go deeper. There will be workshops, time for breaks and food will be provided. This fall’s theme is “Amends”.

Feeling like you can’t afford to attend? Scholarships (full or partial) are available if money is an issue. View a flyer, find out more, and register at the retreat registration website.

We are again offering single-day passes. Unfortunately, there are no single rooms available this time.

It really helps the organizers if you sign up soon! See you there!

Two New Meetings

We’ve added two new meetings in the greater Austin area! They’re both for men-only. The “Stone Rollers” meeting is in South Austin and starts Monday, October 7. Johnny is looking for men to help seed that meeting, so if you live nearby and have Monday nights free, consider attending for a month or two!

The other meeting is in Killeen, about 60 miles north of Austin! That one has been meeting on Wednesday nights since August.

Congratulations to Johnny S and Tim N for helping carry the message to the sex addict who still suffers.

EDIT: A previous version of this post said the Stone Rollers meeting was going to be on Wednesday nights, but it has since changed to Monday.

New Webex links for several virtual and hybrid meetings

News flash: New Webex links are coming for some (not all) virtual and hybrid meetings.

Today we renewed our webex license and went down to one licence from the two we have needed since the pandemic.  As a result, several of the meetings that were on the second account must be moved to the one-and-only remaining account.

The first one to shift is the Virtual Tuesday Night Men’s Meeting.

Others will be updated over the coming days.  If these links are active then the meeting has been updated:

Others not on the list above should stay the same.

If this doesn’t look right to you, reach out to

Spring Retreat 2024

The Austin SAA Intergroup’s 2024 Spring Retreat is May 4-5 at Camp Lone Star outside La Grange, Texas.

Details here for the Retreat.

This event is a great way to connect with your recovery and go deeper. There will be workshops, time for breaks and food will be provided.

Feeling like you can’t afford to attend? Scholarships (full or partial) are available if money is an issue. View a flyer, find out more, and register at the retreat registration website. Early-bird pricing ends April 21, so don’t delay!

We are again offering single-day passes and as usual we have a limited number of single rooms for an additional fee. These are very limited so get yours now!

It really helps the organizers if you sign up soon! See you there!

2024 Annual Speakers’ Dinner and Potluck

Speakers’ Dinner and Potluck

February 3, 6:30-8:30pm
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
1500 N Capital of Texas Hwy, Austin, TX 78746
$20 per person

Register here!

Join us for our 2024 Annual SAA Speakers’ Dinner for our fellowship members.

Partners, spouses, or loved ones are cordially invited and encouraged to join us. All are welcome! Please pay via Venmo in advance or bring cash/check to the venue.

There will be a speaker program along with dinner (BBQ plus the potluck you bring).

Fall Retreat 2023

The Austin SAA Intergroup’s 2023 Fall Retreat is October 21st and 22nd at Camp Lone Star outside La Grange, Texas.

Details here for the Retreat.

This event is a great way to connect with your recovery and go deeper. There will be workshops, time for breaks and food will be provided.

Feeling like you can’t afford to attend? Scholarships (full or partial) are available if money is an issue. View a flyer, find out more, and register at the retreat registration website. Early bird pricing ends October 2!

For the first time we have cheaper single-day passes available and as usual we have a limited number of single rooms for an additional fee. These are very limited so get yours now!

It really helps the organizers if you sign up soon! See you there!

Spring Retreat Saturday May 6th through Sunday May 7th

The Austin SAA Intergroup’s 2023 Spring Retreat is May 6th and 7th at Camp Lone Star outside La Grange, Texas.

Details here for the Retreat.

This event is a great way to connect with your recovery and go deeper. There will be workshops, time for breaks and food will be provided.

Feeling like you can’t afford to attend? Scholarships (full or partial) are available if money is an issue. View a flyer, find out more, and register at the retreat registration website.

Once again we have a a limited number of single rooms available for an additional fee. These are very limited so get yours now!

It really helps the organizers if you sign up soon! See you there!